We are passionate about our business and our roles, showing enthusiasm, energy and taking pleasure in what we do.

We connect you to the talent you need, for the success you want
KORPP-IT recruiters specialize in placing professionals in Software Testing job role. KORPP-IT handles the process of selecting hiring training and onboarding employees. This part of the business comes with stress for business owners. However, KORPP-IT does it with ease. We use our three tier process to onboard job aspirants. These services include communicating with the company to discover the needs, gather and process the necessary paperwork for a smooth onboarding process. We screen, investigate and provide background checks using our partner company to ensure that your business is in good hands.

Talent Management
Candidate Search - Outreach - Follow Up KORPP-IT handles the candidate outreach and scheduling. You provide the information and we will connect new hires to your HR team. KORPP-IT starts the outreach, connects with job aspirants and add them directly to your calendar for follow up.

Training & Development
Training and Development For Job Aspirants
KORPP-IT programs to train continuously year-round. We train, hire, and provide mentorship to job aspirants who are returning to or are ready to enter the work stream. We understand that each job aspirant has different goals. We take the time to listen to those goals and prepare the job aspirants with the skills that will help them be successful in job market of their choosing.

Workforce Training and Development
KORPP-IT handles training for your organization. The DET-Go training is an ongoing training opportunity to address any weaknesses connected to gaining experience. The goal is to encourage employees to be well-rounded and skilled in every aspect of their current and future positions.

KORPP-IT provides IT Consultancy, placement service, webdesign to the following verticals:

  • IT Companies
  • Financial Services
  • Telecommunications
  • Education & Health Care

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